Maximising Potential
+91 0422 2303533, +91 8056655337

About US

We are a decade old distributor, exporter and importer of books, with the Head Office located in Coimbatore having a number of showrooms in Coimbatore, Erode and Wayanad.

We are empanelled by NCERT(National Council for Educational Research and Training) for the supply of NCERT and CBSE books for TAMILNADU & PONDICHERRY.

We deal with NCERT, CBSE, ICSE, ISC, IGCSE, Samacheer Books, Matric. Textbooks, Guides, Reference Books, Question Banks, Study Materials, Work Sheets, Teachers’ Manuals etc.

Our range of distribution includes over 600 prominent publishers and we are constantly expanding. We can also provide any publications as per demand.

We keep ready stock of all the text books from LKG to class XII to meet your every requirement. In our attempt to provide a one-stop solution to all your book needs, we have varied collection to bedeck your library.